Oil & Gas Pest Control
Oil & Gas Pest Control Services

Protect Your Marine and Shipyard Business from Unwanted Pests
The marine and shipyard industry faces unique pest challenges due to the constant movement of vessels and cargo across various environments. Pests such as rodents, insects, and birds can cause significant damage to ships, equipment, and stored goods.
Our specialised pest control services are designed to protect your marine and shipyard operations from these threats. Our expert technicians understand the specific needs of the marine industry and employ advanced techniques to eliminate pests effectively. By implementing comprehensive pest control programs, we can safeguard your vessels, maintain operational efficiency, and ensure compliance with international maritime regulations.
We can service your ship in the port of Belfast or in transit. Termapest can ensure a safe and efficient fumigation process that will protect your cargo against any threat of pests.
We are also pleased to announce we are the only Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Certified heat treatment provider in Ireland and 1 of 2 providers in the UK.

Ship De-Rating
The requirement for a ship sanitation certificate has been implemented in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales by an amendment regulation to the Public Health (Ships) Regulations.
Termapest carries out a deratting service under the supervision of Port Health Officers (The Competent Authority) prior to issuance of the SSCC (Ship Sanitation Control Certificate)

Fumigation & Degassing
We can fumigate your ship and cargo when it’s stationary or in-transit. Termapest can ensure a safe and efficient fumigation process to protect against the threat of pests, using hydrogen Phosphide.

Cargo Fumigation
Fumigating cargo containers is essential in order to prevent cross-border transport of disease, pests, etc . We can also vent imported containers, we also deal with imported cargo quarantined by port authorities.

BMSB Treatment
We are the only BMSB Profume fumigator treatment provider in Ireland. In the UK we are the ONLY approved heat treatment provider and only one of two approved for Profume use.

Why choose
Termapest Ltd?
Termapest is here to effectively take care of your pest problem.
- Specialists in multiple fields ranging from confined space treatment, Phosphine fumigation, heat treatment, ETC.
- Identifying pests correctly, allow us to deal with them effectively.
- We offer a 24hr response service for Pest Control in Belfast and Northern Ireland.